Junk Food and Junk Knowledge

Throughout human history, as Harari famously pointed out in his book "Homo Deus," we have been battling three primary enemies: famine, plague, and war. Despite our significant efforts to overcome them, we continue to suffer from these afflictions. In this entry, I will focus on the first of these enemies: famine. Indeed, until quite recently, … Continue reading Junk Food and Junk Knowledge

Faceless Dolls

One of the well-known traditional crafts in the Amish community is the creation of what are called faceless dolls. Recently, while viewing pictures of these artifacts, I was reminded of the implications of such craftsmanship. The Amish are a traditional group known for their simple lifestyle and Protestant faith, particularly within the Anabaptist denomination. They're … Continue reading Faceless Dolls

Write, Run, Love, Pray

Often, a set of simple verbs can encapsulate the entire spectrum of our lives, presenting an ideal manifestation that we should, in some way, embrace. The bestselling novel, "Eat, Pray, Love" exemplifies this. It chronicles the journey of an independent woman who embarks on a post-modern, self-indulgent quest for life's meaning, summarized by these three … Continue reading Write, Run, Love, Pray